Grocery customers have expectations about an Amazon Fresh grocery store that we’re not meeting, which affects trust levels and retention rates of returning customers. Our goal was to envision a future where customers would continue shopping at our stores. The artifacts for this project are:


We currently don’t have any qualitative data around how customers experience our stores or where the pain points are experienced specifically.


I worked with a design strategist on this project to collect qualitative data. We both conducted 3-4 one-on-one shop-along interviews in Fresh grocery stores with different customers. We synthesized the results together and shared them with our marketing partners. My main tasks were to write and create visualizations for three types of shoppers and surface tangible opportunity areas. My activities included:

  • Research/shop-along interviews

  • Developing the customer journey

  • High fidelity hero flows

  • Tangible opportunity areas


Qualitative research at 7 Fresh stores

We conducted participant interviews at the Fresh stores, followed by a shop-along—taking notes as we watched them shop. We also interviewed a few store managers to better understand the general pain points and delights they observed.

I found it very easy to get the conversation flowing with each of the shoppers. Many things they said either supported our hypothesis that one of the biggest challenge is the knowledge gap of what to do in stores. Both the strategist and I filled the Figjam space with our notes and images. We looked at common attitudes and behaviors across the participants.


Identifying customer pain points and opportunities

I organized our findings into these deck pages for each participant as part of the shareout with our marketing partners.

Defining the 3 Opportunity Areas to lift customer loyalty for shopping in stores

From here, we categorized the 3 opportunity areas in a way that can be immediately actionable for our stakeholders.

Shopping Guides
Moving with confidence and trust
We have the opportunity to better educate and guide customers throughout the store so they feel confident with the process and trust the technology

Digital extensions
Elevating within and beyond the store
We have the opportunity to leverage technology to elevate and expand the shopping experience beyond the store in meaningful ways that enrich customer lives.

Resonant retailing
Channeling the emotion of food
We have the opportunity to create an in-store atmosphere that’s more authentic, deep, and engaging.


Personas & hero flows

I created and illustrated 3 fictional personas to represent the 7 participants. The future of shopping hero flows reflected the top 3 opportunities documented in synthesis while addressing and solving for the pain points.

Gerdy | Shopping Guides

Moving with confidence & trust
She’s older and is not tech savvy. We need to support her by providing an educational experience when she shops at our store and earn her trust.

Erik | Digital Extensions

Elevating within and beyond the store
He’s a young professional that’s very tech savvy and prefers flexibility. He likes convenience and shopping should be a quick experience for him to get in and out easily.

Celine | Resonant retailing

Channeling the emotion of food
She’s a mom of 2 and always plans ahead. She brings her children to the store after school and wants her kids to enjoy shopping with her.

Wrap up

This was a qualitative research & discovery project—so we presented opportunity areas and hero flows to the marketers and product managers for them to prioritize their next initiatives. No app designs were needed for this initiative. Next steps would be to prioritize the opportunity areas and begin designing app features or in-store digital signs.


Optimizing & scaling the digital mailer—UX design


Identifying our customer behaviors—research + concept design